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LP Bluetooth Mix Cajon with 4. W Rechargable Amplifier. FREE 2 Day Standard Ground Shipping. FREE Standard Ground Shipping. Enter a new zip to confirm we offer 2 day free standard ground shipping to your location. Type itempage. Shop for the LP Bluetooth Mix Cajon with 40W Rechargable Amplifier and receive free shipping on your order and the guaranteed lowest price. The brazen behavior really fits well with the move fast, break things mantra. Essentially, Uber made Singapore the first Asian city where its service would be. Names rr. 1,rr. Url Guitar. Center. App Product. Details. Page. page. Params IDsite. DWCB3. The LP LP1. W amplifier with Bluetooth for a playing experience that has previously not been possible. You to play cajon along with your f. Click To Read More About This Product. IN STOCK READY TO SHIPinstock. In Stockis. Pre. Orderfalse, pim. StatusR1, store. Phone. Number6. Free. Shippingtrue, visibility. Sale. Price3. 99. ConditionNew, status. TextIn stock, is. Price. Dropfalse, display. SkuJ5. 17. 71. 00. Price. Visibility1, sticker. Url. Linknull, available. DateMon Nov 2. 7 1. PST 2. 01. 7, sticker. URLnull, serializedfalse, list. Price3. 99. 9. 9, is. Ships. Internationalfalse, name, store. CityNashua, part. NumberLP1. 44. 0, MSRP6. Status1. 00. 0, store. NameGuitar Center Nashua, new. Price3. 99. 9. 9, conditionNew, statusinstock, sticker. TextTop Seller, sticker. Classnull, Your. Saving2. MSRPRangefalse, available. In. Store. Onlyfalse, sale. Price3. 99. 9. 9, warrantytrue, store. Id5. 10, display. Id1. 50. 00. 00. On. Salefalse, sticker. DescTop Seller3. Month financing available. Guitar Center Gear Card. Special 6 month financing learn how to earn 5 back in rewards. Valid through 1. 23. Get Details. About Special Financing Offers. J5. 17. 71,stock instock,price 3. Bluetooth Mix Cajon with 4. W Rechargable Amplifier,download false,skuid J5. Id 1. 50. 00. 00. World Percussion,page. Name productdetail,subcategory Hand Drums,dept Drums Percussion. The LP LP1. 44. 0 is a quality performance cajon integrated with a powerful 4. W amplifier with Bluetooth for a playing experience that has previously not been possible. You to play cajon along with your favorite tracks for practice or performance as well as amplifying any instrument such as a guitar and vocal for a great performance anywhere. The LP1. 44. 0 features a 1. The Bluetooth capability allows you to stream music wirelessly from up to 3. Bluetooth device, including i. Phone, i. Pad Android devices. An integrated 2 channel 4. W amplifier with Twin 4 12 in. Drivers and a 3 12 in. Controlled by a master level control, Channel 1 incorporates both a XLR microphone input and a line level input, while Channel 2 consists of an auxiliary input and line level input. Both channels have individual high and low EQ controls and a volume control knob. Plus, all four inputs can be used simultaneously. The built in rechargeable battery supplies up to 1. AC power cord into any wall socket. FEATURESBluetooth capability. Twin 4 12 in. drivers with 3 12 in. Channel mixer with volume, high and low EQ controls per channel. XLR mic input and 14 in. Ts-2000 Program Cable. Built in rechargeable battery and AC power plug included. Phantom power 9. V mic inputChannel EQ high, low 4k. Hz and above, 8. 00. Hz and below Bluetooth module features Bluetooth 3. EDR compliant. Typical 2d. Bm Class 2 output power. Audio DAC 9. 4d. B SNR. A2. DP profile supportpdpreviewsproduct. Reviews. jsp. Customer Reviews Questions Answers View All. By Willfrom Charleston,Sc. About Me Professional Musician. J5. 17. 71. category. Id site. 5DWCB. Bluetooth Mix Cajon with 4. W Rechargable Amplifier. Url LPBluetooth Mix Cajon with 4. W Rechargable Amplifier. Url http media. MMGS7Bluetooth Mix Cajon with 4. W Rechargable AmplifierJ5. Features 0. is. Accessory 0. Min 3. 99. 9. 9. Max 3. Visibility. MSRP 1. Price. open. Box. Price. clearance. Price. is. Platinum 0. Savings. Max. Price 0. Savings. Max. Percent 0. Star. Image. Url http static. Sprit Sm Stars. Star. Rating 3. Star. Rating. Integer 6. How. Many. Sargent Major Rank Patch there. Reviews 1. Or. New new. Driver Matrix Spi Nand Flasher. Be. Sold 1. accessory. Categories site. LCB,site. LCA,site. LCN. sticker. Text Top Seller. Vintage 0.