Ora-12514 After Patch

Sometimes basic things like installing the latest Oracle instantclient on the PCs of all of your developers can take considerable time. I typically setup a. If youre looking for an already configured Oracle Database 12c environment with a database already setup and all the software you need to learn database. Go to main content. Contents List of Examples List of Figures List of Tables Title and Copyright Information. Newtonsoft Json Datetimeoffset'>Newtonsoft Json Datetimeoffset. A blog about Database Administration, Exadata, DBA tutorials, Database troubleshooting and new Development in Database area. The views expressed are my own and not. SD6aZW4/VNtp_SLi2HI/AAAAAAAAA4Q/KImNwpLAxpU/s1600/4.jpg' alt='Ora-12514 After Patch' title='Ora-12514 After Patch' />Ora-12514 After PatchSID given in connect descriptor. I encountered a problem with connecting to the Oracle databse. Burleson Consulting is an altruistic company and we believe in sharing our Oracle extensive knowledge through publishing Oracle books and Oracle articles, video. Experts Exchange Questions ORA12505 TNSlistener could not resolve SID given in connect descriptor. Here is the description of the problem. Backgroud I am using Win. K advance server and Oracle 8i Server. To avoid version conflict, i installed my Oracle 8i Server in Ora. Infinity Sign Tg on this page. Home. 01 and Oracle Enterprise Manager in Ora. Home. 02. By using 2 different oracle homes in the registry and 2 different physical path, i solve the conflict. Configuring PHP with OCI8. Review the previous Requirements section before configuring OCI8. To enable the OCI8 extension, configure PHP with the option withoci8. These short videos will show you how to utilize key features of Server and Application Monitor. Delete the existing listener service and recreate it using the Net Configuration Assistant. After the service is created successfully, you must create a tnsnames. Then, i did the following setting in the registry. Oralce NLSLANG. ORACLE SIMPLIFIED CHINESECHINA. ZHS1. 6GBK. ID0Ora. Home. 81 NA. ID1Ora. Home. 80 if available AmericanAmerica. WE8. ISO8. 85. 9P1 have to, otherwise. Home. 0Ora. Home. SIMPLIFIED CHINESECHINA. ZHS1. 6GBK. Home. Ora. Home. 80 if available SIMPLIFIED CHINESECHINA. ZHS1. 6GBKI got the following above error message when trying to connect to the db using Oracle Enterprise Managers SQLPlus which NLS setting default to American. ORA 1. 25. 05 TNS listener could not resolve SID given in connect descriptor This problem is solved temporarily when i reconfigured the database using the Oracle. But once i restart my computer, the problem resume. I totally cannot connect to the database using Oracle 8is SQLPlus and got the error message as ORA 1. TNS funny funny characters, SERVICENAME A little bit of the background when i did the Oracle 8is installation. The machine that i did the installation is a new machine and hasnt got any network installation during the 8i installation. The Wireless LAN installation only done after the 8is installation.