Play Swf Files In Html5
Play Swf Files In Html5' title='Play Swf Files In Html5' />Making Custom CSS3 Video Players With HTML5 and Javascript. In todays multimedia web its becoming an ever increasing part of web design to include videos. Customizing the video player is one of the first things web designers think about when implementing these elements, as often the default player does not match the website, or merely for consistency across browsers and devices. In this tutorial were going to be going through exactly how to do that. The Media Element APIThe media element API is a simple API that allows you to manipulate videos with simple Javascript commands. For example, normally when using the HTML5 video tags we type something like this lt video idour video width6. We have set controls in the video tag so this particular video will have controls play, pause, etc. This is all well and good but sometimes we want to control the video with another custom player, or maybe we just want a link that makes the video play. To do this we use the Media Elements API. For example, lets say we have something like this lt a href classplay Click me to play the videolt a. Using the Media Elements API with j. Query we can write something as simple as this to make the video play our video0. Were using 0 here so we target a specific element in the same way that document. Element. By. Id works. Easy, huh Well its also possible to control a variety of video aspects with the media elements API, and you can create some pretty interesting things. Functions. There are a bunch of features as part of the media elements API which can be used to control a video or how it is displayed. Heres a bunch of things which become useful when creating a custom player. Play the video. our video0. Pause the video. our video0. If youre using Microsoft PowerPoint, you might have encountered some problems with playing embedded video like embedded video in powerpoint not playing. So why. To get the files to play, locate the swf on your computer and rightclick it. Select properties from the menu. Under the General tab, at the bottom will be a notice. Play Swf Files In Html5' title='Play Swf Files In Html5' />After a long time of waiting, were proud to announce this that the new version of Muses Radio Player supports AAC streamings. By doing this, we now support three. Sothink SWF Decompiler, the pioneer Flash Decompiler, can decompile Flash SWF to FLAFlex Convert Flash to HTML5 Edit Flash, ActionScripts and more resources in clicks. A simple Flash to HTML5 converter that helps make SWF files available to a larger audience. Sets volume, volume ranges from 0 to 1. Time Current video time. Duration of video. Amount of video buffered in seconds. Play. Typevideomp. If the video can play this type of format. Fullscreen experimental makes the video fullscreen. Using these simple functions and a few other tricks were going to combine all this to make a custom video player which you can change with just CSS. Lets Get Started. First of all lets accustom ourselves with the HTML5 video tag. To create a new video element we just use the video tag. Its best to use multiple video types since not all videos are supported by all browsers. Using just. webm and. Miro provides a simple method to convert files to. The CSSCSS is what were going to use to style the video. This opens up a lot of possibilities since CSS is very easy to use, and changing the style of your video, therefore, becomes very easy. For this particular video style this is the CSS Im going to be using, so go ahead and put it in your CSS file body. Arial, sans serif. Query. The easiest and most succinct way to go about doing this is to use j. Query and design our code as a plugin. Dont forget to include the j. Query file As with all j. Query plugins, make a new Javascript file and paste in the following function. Player functionoptions video. Player is the name of our plugin. Width 0. 9. 5, Default is 9. Class video Video Class. Extend the options so they work with the plugin. Play Swf Files In Html5' title='Play Swf Files In Html5' />For each so that we keep chainability. Code goes here. Ive added a few customizable options when you run this plugin youll be able to change the options to whatever you want. These include the width of the player for styling purposes by default 0. All of our code is going to go inside the return this. Now the first thing we want to do is check that the video meta data is ready to run. In some cases this will take a moment to load, so if we dont check this well end up loading the video player without any data that wouldnt work. Were also going to set some basic variables, the purpose of which will become more apparent later on. Event. Listenerloadedmetadata, function. Basic Variables. var this this. Wrap the video in a div with the class of your choosing. Class lt div. Select the div we just wrapped our video in for easy selection. Class. Some other misc variables to check when things are happening. Ms Office Visio 2007 Torrent Download. Progess false. storevol. Prog. Width 0. volume 0. Next you want to create the structure of the player. This can be altered if you wish. Well also define some more variables and change the width of the player. The Structure of our video player. Tothat. Set the width of the video. Width this. width. Widthpx. Set width of the player based on previously noted settings. Width1. 00, left 1. Width. 002. Video information. Specific video. duration spc. Video Duration. volume spc. Video volume. current. Time. The width of the progress bar. Width that. find. Next lets start defining some functions. The first function were going to define is for buffering, so the user can see what sections of the video is buffered. The second is for time setting, so the time will increase correctly. The timing function is going to be run every time the current time is updated. Ive commented in the code so you can see exactly what is happening. Length function. The buffered regions of the video. Rest all buffered regions everytime this function is run. If buffered regions exist. The length of the buffered regions is i. Max and min buffers. Buffer buffered. Buffer buffered. The offset and width of buffered area. Offset min. Buffer duration 1. Width max. Buffer min. Buffer duration 1. Append the buffered regions to the video. Offset, width buffer. Width. append. Tothat. Run the buffer function. Length. The timing function, updates the time. Update functionignore. The current time of the video based on progress bar position. Math. round. Width duration. The real time of the video. Time spc. current. Time. Seconds are set to 0 by default, minutes are the time divided by 6. Math. floortime 6. Math. roundduration 6. Math. roundduration tminutes. If time exists well, video time. Math. roundtime 6. So if seconds go above 5. Increase minutes, reset seconds. Math. roundtime 6. Math. roundtime 6. Updated progress width. Prog. Width cur. Time duration prog. Width. Set a zero before the number if its less than 1. A variable set which well use later on. Prog. Widthpx. Prog. Width that. Update times. If playing update buffer value. Time 0 spc. Length. Run the timing function twice, once on init and again when the time updates. Update. spc. add. Event. Listenertimeupdate, time. Update. Next the play button Were going to add and remove CSS classes to make the play change to a pause button when clicked. Well also set a variable to check if the video is playing, which we will use later in the code. When the user clicks play, bind a click event. Set up a playing variable. Time 0 spc. If playing, etc, change classes to show pause or play button. Classplay. remove. Classpause. buffer. Length. begin true. Classpause. remove. Classplay. One of the most complicated parts of this code is the progress slider. First off we need to check when the user clicks on the progress bar and then set a variable telling us thats whats happening. Then when the user moves the mouse well be able to adjust it so it slides appropriately.