Snafu Game
Warriors Steve Kerr was none too happy about travel snafu. Want Warriors news in your inbox Sign up for the free Dubs. Daily newsletter. SHENZHEN, China The smile on Steve Kerrs face told one story. Z5LT2S1LKV4ZWFLZ/large.jpg' alt='Snafu Game' title='Snafu Game' />The Thing, Predator, The Avengers, Arrival, The Day the Earth Stood Still are The Top 100 Alien Invasion Films of All Time on Flickchart. Acronyms and abbreviations free acronyms and abbreviations finder and definitions business, training, medical, military, technical, funny acronyms, backronyms and. His travel experience told another. The Warriors coach appeared joyful and eager before beginning his first practice here in preparation for a preseason game against the Minnesota Timberwolves on Thursday. Those emotions sharply contrasted his feelings on not receiving his passport on time to travel with the team. I was not happy, Kerr said before practice on Wednesday at Shenzhen City Arena. I was hoping they could find my passport in time to get me on the team flight. To no fault of the Warriors or Kerr, an East Coast processing center delayed in returning his passport. But Kerr did not find out about this news until shortly after the Warriors preseason opening loss to the Denver Nuggets on Saturday at the Oracle. As Kerr sat in his office, Warriors co owner Joe Lacob and general manager Bob Myers came in to talk. Snafu Game MusicAs Kerr recalled, Bob had this look on his face. Myers then said, Youre not going to like this before informing Kerr about the news. While the Warriors flew on Sunday afternoon on a charter flight and landed Monday evening, Kerr took a commercial flight on Sunday evening and arrived in Hong Kong on Tuesday morning. I ended up getting maybe the better end of the bargain, Kerr said. The NBA took care of me and put me on a first class flight and I got a lot of sleep. All is well that ends well. The Warriors hope they can say the same thing about their preseason schedule. They already faced reduced practice time with both a shortened preseason slate and the week long trip in China. Hindi Typing Test Book In Pdf. Snafu Games' title='Snafu Games' />Even more changes awaited. The Warriors originally planned to leave on Sunday morning and land on early Monday evening, leaving them time for a mid evening practice. Instead, the Warriors left on Sunday afternoon, leaving them with no time to practice once they landed late on Monday. The Warriors then had an optional workout on Tuesday that featured half of the team attending. Ideally in training camp, wed be in Oakland preparing, Kerr said. But its also a great chance to visit China. Were excited about being here. The season lasts for a long time, so we have plenty of time to practice ahead. Excel 2010 Tutorial Ppt. The Warriors also had plenty of time to enjoy their time on Tuesday. Several players joined Kerr for his first visit to Hong Kong, including Draymond Green, Zaza Pachulia, David West, Shaun Livingston, Damian Jones, Nick Young and Ja. Vale Mc. Gee. The group enjoyed a boat ride before having dinner. Later on, Kerr said he had a good nights sleep amid the teams quest to fight jet lag and a 1. Were ready to get back to work, Kerr said. Its weird in the middle of training camp to not have practice for three straight days. Like our Warriors Facebook page for more Warriors news, commentary and conversation.